
OTH Election Night Piss Up

right then.

it’s here. some of this you’ll recognise as a carry over from previous sunday stuff.

starting at 4pm, part 1

Holmes and Yoyo
one of not many fill episodes. i can’t even remember if i showed this one or not. its a cheesy slapstick sitcom about two coppers. one’s an idiot who’s partners kept on getting injured/killed/kidnapped or whatever so they gave him an experimental humanoid law enforcement robot as a partner. WhAt CoUlD pOsSiBlY gO wRoNg???

Quark ep3
a piss-take of multiple sci-fi genres, the gags are shite, but us fans of older sci-fi series will enjoy some of the references/parodies

Thunder in paradise.
Hulk Hogan decided that him not being the star of baywatch “didn’t work for him, brother” so he got a few of his mates in and made this absolute stinker of a baywatch/miami vice type show. it’s fucking terrible. apparently oversized nice guy, average basketball player and cack wrestler Jorge Gonzalez (aka Giant Gonzalez / El Gigante) is in this one.

Bigfoot and Wildboy
If you haven’t already you HAVE to see this. i’m purposely not putting a synopsis here so you’ll have to trust me on this one.

a podcast of some sort – not uploaded it yet, probably the Canada special of Revolt into Sound. this gives me something to clag in my lugholes while i travel home, and of course VOTE. because… fuck me. i got a flyer through from some really weird conspiracy theory based local party. i’ve no doubt Twatatouille’s getting voted out, but if these cunts are in the running that think we’re all going to be living in some kind of remake of The Changes crossed with Escape from New York, then I need to make sure that there’s another vote for someone else. might get myself a milkshake on the way in case there’s anyone from Farage’s band of arseholes there as well.

anyhow, around 7ish, the party really starts. a night of questionable decisions.

Takeshis Castle Reboot.
is the questionable decision the one to reboot it? or the one to have commentary done by Tom Davies and Romesh Ranganathan. you decide.

Hillclimbing Rachau
another eurosport special. watch people try and ride motorbikes up an almost vertical mud track in a collectively terrible series of decisions. 1996 i think this is. i was going to save this for sunday but it’s good to watch with a beer, and i thoroughly intend to have one in my hand while it’s on.

muzikbrake / old parody of a party political broadcast

So You Think You’ve Got Troubles.
Warren Mitchell *ahem* stars in an episode of a sitcom that’s really beneath him. he’s an office worker of somesort who gets relocated to an office in Ireland at the height of the “troubles”. one to sweep under the carpet and not put on your CV.

Manns Best Friends
Fulton Mckay *ahem* stars in an episode of a sitcom that’s really beneath him. retired from “the waterboard” he ends up in a boarding house full of various “wacky” characters. oof.

Nearly Departed
Eric Idle *AHEM* stars in an episode of a sitcom that’s really beneath him. involves a newly married couple and a ghost or something, looks like absolute bollocks.

(potentially, if i can get it in time) Paris
Alexei Sayle *AHEM, COUGH, HACK* stars in a sitcom that’s really, really beneath him. he’s an artist and its not going well.

muzikbrake / parody of a political broadcast.

Zwobot Nach dem atomaren Holocaust
right, so this is from the german independent version of MTV2 that was around for a bit. it’s a music programme hosted by hand puppets. Zwobot is a windscreen from a shotgun mic with some googly eyes on it and a vocoded voiceover. the voice ain’t gonna make that much difference to you to be fair as its all in German. some canny music in it and various sketches.

Fantomas and Mr Bungle – Rock Squad Special
nicked from a faith no more based music channel on youtube, this is essentially Fantomas and Buzz Osbourne from the Melvins dicking about interspersed with clips of them playing live.

there might be more, there might not be.

oh, if you’re wondering what the bad decision involved with the VIVA Zwei content is, it’s a collective one. VIVA for shutting it down and replacing it with another bubblegum pop channel, and me for not videoing loads of it while it was on air and i had access to it.

so finish work laughing, VOTE, and then crack open a beverage of choice and join the piss up.

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