
OTH Paper Round/Zeppelin

new season week 1:

Extreme Dodgeball – bringing utter stupidity back to thursday nights, Extreme Dodgeball seems like an attempt to create a “sports entertainment” version of dodgeball with a little bit of a nod to rollergames. it went about as well as you can imagine.

Thru – essentially competetive hiking with obstacles. i know this isn’t selling it much, but it looked interesting.


Dark Side of the Sun – here endeth the saga of Schroedinger’s Mower, and indeed the Michael J Bird stuff. i might replace it or not, since i keep falling asleep at the end of my streams, i might opt for an earlier finish, or bring across Jason King from the occasional “evening of odd” thing. haven’t decided yet. anything new in this slot will start after the election piss up.

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