
OTH SportzDrone

i over-ran by 10 minutes. I’ll also be watching at work, so dragging it forward ain’t a problem, and it’ll all be done in time for Sepulchre

Five Pin Billiards – not going to lie, never watched a match in full but caught a few clips. found and explainer video, and it seems a bit faster paced and more intricate. also, each player takes only one turn so there’s no “Jaspers kicks the donkey to death and keeps on kicking”, its shot for shot. tune in for the rules, it’s worth it 🙂

USWA – more memphis based balleyhoo. i think we’ll see this one out til the end of 1993 then i’ll find another territory unless something interesting happens

Grand Sumo – there were three days of the May tournament left, so we might as well see it to the end!

Knight Fights – this isn’t an actual programme, though i’ve been trying to find one. Two full fights in an MMA setting between combattants wearing full armour, complete with shields and swords. Yes, it’s legitimate competition, and Yes, the swords are real (blunt but real).

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