
OTH SportzDrone / Evening of Odd

SportzDrone: 12:00 onwards
High Level Ball Clacking in more from group C of the triple threat billiards
Medium Grade Pro-Wrestling continues at Smokey Mountain Wrestling
Extended Sumo from the Tokyo Aki Basho
Drone Racing because why the fuck not
Evening of Odd: from about 16:30 onwards
Thunder in Paradise – wrestling does baywatch, and its just as shit as it sounds
Bigfoot and Wildboy – last two episodes. This may make its way into the Zep at some point
Quark – apparently last weeks was part 1 of a 2-parter, so i’ll be showing both parts this week
Space Academy – another obscure sci-fi thing i stumbled across

another chance to see either the adventurer or scorpion tales since got shafted out of seeing them by something happening at work.
Another shite film. maybe even the sequel to last week’s shite film. maybe not. i’ll figure it out when i get home from Edinburgh.

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