welcome to part two of the season transition for OTHTV

The front end of the Zeppelin is where we’ll be seeing the first changes as we’ve nixed those crappy rips of byker grove. the early zone will now kick off with Chucklevision and Ship to Shore, before a music break, and two new programmes to the stream – My Parents Are Aliens, and Mysteries From Beyond The Other Dominion, which proved to be a bit of a hit on last week’s mini-drone. following this there will be another music break and then Beavis & Butthead and New Wave Theatre.
Following the Radio Break and the last of “the story of pop radio”, the SUDS (Soaps & Undefined Drama/Serial) Zone, consists of Strange Paradise and Space Island One. I’ve never seen Space Island One and hasn’t heard of it until last week. Might be good, might be shite. Timekode seemed to reckon it nicked its premise from Jupiter Moon. if they’ve got sour grapes over it, it’s gotta be worth a watch.
After another quick music break, we close out the pasteurised, sanitised and homogenised version of Holey Moley with a double bill – Next week, the good (australian) version begins as well as a 4 part “celebrity” version of Hunted. There’s something big coming after that but i’m not going to spoil it for you. Fans of Knightmare/Raven might appreciate it.
Then we head into our Drama Zone – with the second offering from Michael J Bird, Director of “The Lotus Eaters”. This one’s called “Who Pays The Ferryman”. I’m told that this is on a par weirdness wise with The Lotus Eaters, but i’ve not watched any of it myself yet. hopefully it won’t disappoint. Then it’s Double Priz, the 3rd installment of Square Peg: The Dream of British Satellite Broadcasting, before either bed, a gig, or a bunch of music videos to ease you into the weekend.
That’s how things are going to look for the next few weeks at least on the OTH Weekly Zeppelin.
a couple of notes on the music breaks:
- Schkeuditzer Kreuz – Second life
Veteran of the NZ DIY punk scene and current purveyor of raw D-Beat Synth Punk, Kieren Hills presents the second single from his forthcoming album “No Life Left” – its heavy, noisy and poignant, what’s not to love? You can pre-order the album here: https://dorfpunk.bandcamp.com/album/no-life-left - We Melt Chocolate – No Meaning Man
Italian Shoegazers We Melt Chocolate create an immnese immersive blanket of sound here, there’s a new album coming in October, This is the first single from it. https://wemeltchocolate.bandcamp.com - Mal Di Luna – Moonlight
This video is NSFW – i originally had it pegged (fnarr fnarr) for an earlier timeslot based on the jagged darkwave of the track itself, then i started looking at the video. I would have said i’d dropped my monacle, but it was gaffer taped to my face. https://maldiluna.bandcamp.com - Pretty Addicted – Am I Sick?
Today I learned that Hypochondria has been rebranded as “Health Anxiety” and also that Pretty Addicted are really good. I have featured them at least once on the channel before, and this is another slice of dark techno “dance punk” from an artist that I’m certain people who’ve enjoyed the Holy Braille content on here will appreciate. https://prettyaddicted.bandcamp.com