
Right Said Brett’s Awful Game Steam (TM) #2 – 4:00PM (Sunday)

I don’t know if anyone is streaming in place of Phil (who shockingly, against basic human rights, is currently without Internet access), but I’ll be doing a gaming stream from 4:00pm onward tomorrow/today (I don’t know how to phrase that; it’s technically today, but kind of tomorrow, because I have not slept yet. So, um, let’s just call it ‘tomoray’ – sounds like it would go nice with some fettuccine and cheese). If someone else is streaming tomoray, then please do go henceforth to their stream first. They take priority. I’m happy enough to stream by my lonesome.

Having said that, if nobody else is streaming tomoray (TM), then you are welcome to join me, I shall regale you with boring words and send you to sleep. They call me ‘The Sandman’*.

Clickety click click click

* Literally nobody calls me that.

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