
Right Said Brett’s Awful Gaming Steam (TM) #1 – “Highlights” Video NOW AVAILABLE on YouTube

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Some people remember where they were when Micheal Jackson first landed on the moon, walked backwards and pleasured himself to a young crater.

Others can recall where they were when JFK was assassinated by Little Jimmy Osmond.

Those moments will surely pale in comparison to the historic first installment of Right Said Brett’s Awful Gaming Stream (TM), which went live on 03/08/19 and caused the world at large to do things. Some naysayers may claim that those people would have done those things regardless, but the voice in my head told me otherwise and the voice in my head is sage like in its wisdom, with the possible expectation of that time that it instructed me to burn down an orphanage and push a nun off a cliff, but hey, like the old saying goes; even a perfectly fine clock is wrong two thousand times at day, when the batteries are low. You don’t blame the clock, you blame Poundland’s economy batteries.

With that said and a fresh pair of Duracell Ultra Power batteries inserted into my anus, I am proud to announce that a highlight video of that first historic installment of Right Said Brett’s Awful Gaming Stream (TM) is now available on the place where all great art and wisdom resides; the YouTubes (I’ve also submitted the historically significant video to the The BFI National Archive and the US Library of Congress and fully except them to be humbled to accept).

So, come one, come all and watch as Right Said Brett takes you on a magical journey through the games of yore and talks words, which will be transported to you via the wondrous medium of technology, straight into your peepholes and lugholes. Unless you are blind and deaf, in which case I will mentally project the images and words directly into your mind, whether you like it or not. So whoever and whatever you may be, be sure to hit those like & subscribe buttons and construct an alter to me within your home.

Right Said Brett’s Awful Gaming Stream – You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll sigh and you’ll yawn. Guaranteed*

This is a link which you can click

*LEGAL NOTE: ‘Laugh’ and ‘Cry’ are excluded from the guarantee. Also note that your statutory rights will not only be affected but will also be violated in the worst possible ways imaginable.

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