
Right Sight Brett’s Spooky Meatball Sub #3

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Join the spooky stream from 5:00pm (GMT) on Wednesday 03/11/21 for gaming, TV shows, movies and the usual chat…. if you dare!

5:00 Let’s Play Spooky Videogames

A let’s play of some Halloween/horror related videgames. With live commentary from myself.


6:30 Tales from the Darkside – ‘Halloween Candy’

In this episode of the classic horror anthology show from George A. Romero, a curmudgeonly old man who is reluctant to give out the titular holiday sweets to neighborhood children during Halloween must deal with the monstrous consequences of his miser outlook on life.


6:50 Tales from the Darkside – ‘The Yattering and Jack’

In this episode of the classic horror anthology show from George. A Romero, in a story adapted by Clive Barker, a pint-sized demon, called a “Yattering”, terrorizes an impossibly positive yet lonely old man during the holiday season.


7:15 Michael Jackson – The Live Seance

A medium communicates with the ghost of Micheal Jackson.


7:35 Martin’s Close

A 2019 BBC adaption of British author M. R. James’ ghost story by Mark Gatiss. In the year 1684, Squire George Martin has been accused of murdering a young girl named Ann Clark and is put on trial.


8:15 FILM: The Shining – The VHS Fan-Edit

I’ve long held the opinion that a select few films benefit from being viewed in a lower visual fidelity; as it adds to the texture and sense of unease. One such film is Stanley Kubrick’s classic horror film and so I’ve prepared this special presentation of the film, by replicating the aesthetics of a well loved and therefore worn out VHS cassette tape – with emulated tape warps, bleeding colours, mono sound and a 4:3 aspect ratio.


10:15 Tales from the Crypt – ‘The Ventriloquist’s Dummy’

In this episode of the classic horror anthology show presented by a cackling cadaver, Bobcat Goldthwait plays an amateur ventriloquist with a creepy puppet.


10:45 FILM: Tammy and the T-Rex – The Unrated Gore Cut (1994)

In one of the more bizarre Hollwood true stories; the film Tammy and the T-Rex was filmed as a gory R rated comedy, but the distributor got cold feet at the 11th hour and re-edited the movie as a PG-13 rated, family friendly caper. For decades that’s how the film remained; a goofy movie with a lovable dino pal, as seen in the children’s section of video stores nationwide back in the 90s. However, decades later, in 2019, the organisers for the film festival Cinepocalypse manged to track down a rare negative of the original R rated cut and screen it to their audience. This is a presentation of that film, as originally intended by the filmmakers. Barney the Dinosaur, this ain’t!

Before – Cut and sanitised for rugrats (1994)
After – Restored and gory, as God intended (2019)


12:30 Mortal Kombat – The Journey Begins (1995)

In this straight to video release which employees traditional animation, motion capture and CGI in order to tell its story, the three chosen defenders of Earth travel to the Kombat Island, Rayden teaches them how to be the masters of their destinies, how to overcome their foes and how to control their powers. Liu Kang, Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage must defeat Shang Tsung, Sub Zero, Scorpion and Goro if they are to survive this challenge to decide the fate of the earth.

Featuring a shamelessly transparent attempt to pad out the VHS run time As an incredibly generous bonus, this video includes an exclusive 15-minute behind-the scenes documentary behind the making of the Mortal Kombat theatrical live action movie of the same year.

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As always, remember that start times are approximate, so if there’s anything in particular on the schedule that you would care to see, please try to join the stream 10 minutes or so ahead of the listed start time. I hope to see you all on the other side.

Join the stream from 5:00pm (GMT) and onward, Wednesday 03/11/21, over at https://cabtv.co.uk/live/ (or alternatively via the fc2 server, over at https://live.fc2.com/25093044).


  1. hedgehog90 1.hedgehog90

    Looks great, but I’m a bit confused by the scheduled time for tales from the crypt at 9:30, followed by Tammy and the T rex at 9:10. And considering The Shining runtime is 146 mins, it looks like there might be one meatball too many.

    1. rightsaidbrett 1.1.Right Said Brett

      Oops. I screwed up the times a bit. Thanks for letting me know. I’ve fixed them now. However, The Shining runtime is correct, as I’m showing the European theatrical cut and not the longer American release.

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