
Saturday SportsDrone

disclaimer: this is a one off, it’s not intended to shift this, just i managed to catch some sort of lurgy thats kept me in on this particular weekend, and there’s a shedload of actual sport on tomorrow too.

right then.
17:30 – King of Sports heat 5
made up sports make up this banal channel 5 shovelware project of a programme, but it is quite amusing.
18:00 – USWA 13/11/1993
more studio based wrestling action from memphis.
18:55 – Red Bull Soapbox Derby 2019 – london
the hill climbing was great, i miss there being actual coverage of it. but red bull have instead provided us with this monstrocity. expect daft vehicles, crashes etc.
20:25 – Extreme Robots 2024 – Guildford
they’ve stepped up their production game and made it watchable now (that’ll be glenn formerly of progress wrestling who’s sorted that then)
21:10 – Grand Sumo 2020 day 1&2
the world had something nasty, and this tournament took place without any spectators. i didn’t know NHK streamed it back then, so its new to me as well.
22:00 – Battletruck: warriors of the 21st century
we’ve had robots fighting, massive blokes fighting, now a crap dystopian film called deathtruck. enjoy.

after that, a nice relaxing game of balkline 71/2 billiards to ease us into the night. nope, i’ve no idea of the rules either. if i find a video on em i’ll clag it in before the match.

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