17:40 Osymyso – Intro-Inspection. A mashup of intros to popular songs. Horrifically sublime in places.
18:00 Buck Rogers in the 25th Century – Space Rockers. Whenever the Space Rockers play their space music the kids kick off violently. Buck Rogers investigates to see if the band have somehow tapped into old Earth punk, or is there something more sinister going on?
18:45 Time Commanders – The Battle of Chalons. After the appalling performance by the team from the National Trust. Can a group of instructors from the Bristol Army Cadet Force help Attila the Hun over the line, or will general Chris ‘99 Red Balloons’ Starbuck’s obsession with holding the high ground prove to be their downfall?
19:30 Mysterious Worlds – Ancient Wisdom. Arthur C Clarke asks “what’s the deal with” clever folks from olden times and takes a look at crystal skulls… could the inventor of the communications satellite and writer of 2001 a Space Odyssey have made one of those..? Could anybody?
19:55 Cosmos – Travelers Tales. Yer man Carl takes a look at the space probes Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.…