Today is the 100th anniversary of the BBC’s first ever radio broadcast from their London station, 2LO. If I’d found that out earlier than 4am this morning I’d be doing something to celebrate it. As it is, you’ll just have to put up with the usual stuff. 🙂
18:00 – Sheepy’s opening music.
18:04 – Thames TV morning start-up music.
18:09 – Michael Bentine’s Potty Time S01E13 – The Mounties – a British children’s TV show, written by and starring Michael Bentine, and directed and produced by Leon Thau for Thames Television. This week, Mr. Bentine and the Potties travel to Canada to investigate the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. First broadcast on Mon 4th Feb 1974 by ITV. No VT clock this week, sadly.
18:20 – Shadows S03E05 – The Man Who Hated Children – a British supernatural television anthology series produced by Thames Television for ITV between 1975 and 1978. This week, Old Man Higgs fights a war of dirty tricks with two boys in his neighborhood. Things take a dark turn when Higgs tries to frame the boys for vandalism.…