
Right Said Brett’s Meatball Sub #4 (Thursday – 22/08/19)

Due to popular demand (or should that be unpopular demand?), Ash Vs Evil Dead and Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon have been put out to pasture. Taking their place are Big Train and Operation Good Guys. That a real good thing I’ve done. Real good and anyone who disagrees with me, will be banished out into the cornfield.

There’s also something of a double feature, with both Abigail’s Party and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen playing back-to-back. That means the stream will be going on through until approximately 1am. Best keep a couple of matchsticks at the ready, folks!

6:00 Round the Twist – ‘Santa Claws’ (series 1, episode 7)

6:25 GamesMaster (series 1, episode 4)

6:50 The Storyteller – ‘Heartless Giant’ (series 1, episode 8)

7:10 I Am Not An Animal – ‘My Fair Mare’ (episode 4)

7:40 Big Train (series 1, episode 1)

8:10 The Life & Times of Tim – ‘Insurmountable High Score & Tim Vs the Baby’ (series 1, episode 8)

8:35 Operation Good Guys – ‘The Informant’ (series 1, episode 1)

9:00 Abigail’s Party (1977)

11:00 The Movie – The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)

As always, remember that start times are approximate, so if there’s anything in particular on the schedule that you would care to see, please try to join the stream 10 minutes or so ahead of the listed start time. I hope to see you all on the other side.

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