
Right Sight Brett’s Meatball Sub #89

Join the stream from 6:00pm (GMT) on Wednesday 01/12/21 for TV shows, a movie and the usual chat.

6:00 GamesMaster (series 5, episode 8)

In this episode of the classic challenge based videogame show, professional England footballers Dean Holdsworth & Phil Babb are in the studio, but will Dominik Diamond manage to resist making any puns about the worth of holding babbs?


6:25 Lost – ‘Do No Harm’ (series 1, episode 20)

The series about plane crash survivors stranded on a mysterious desert island continues. In this episode, Boone fights for his life, while Jack frantically searches for a survivor who shares Boone’s blood type.


7:10 The League of Gentlemen – ‘The Medusa Touch’ (series 3, episode 4)

In this episode of the acclaimed black comedy series from Reece Shearsmith, Steve Pemberton, Mark Gatiss and Jeremy Dyson; Alvin and Sunny invite the weekend `Sexplorers’ on a journey of discovery, even though Alvin would prefer to spend his time at the garden centre.


7:35 So It’s Come to This: A Face Off Clip Show (series 5, episode 14)

The fantasy and horror challenge based reality show, based around movie makeup and prosthetics, continues. This week, ahead of the season finale, the judges recall the top 20 makeup entries from the previous 5 seasons.


9:05 Ten Year Old Tom – ‘Tomz Lemonade & A Tale of Two Lunch Ladies’ (series 1, episode 4)

The new adult animated sitcom from The Life and Times of Tim creator Steve Dildarian, about an average kid must contend with the well-meaning but questionable guidance of the adults around him.


9:30 THRILLER SEASON FILM: Donkey Punch (2008)

The Meatball TV thriller film season continues.

In this British thriller from director Olly Blackburn, a group of teenagers sail out to see onboard a luxury yacht, in order to have a debauched weekend of drugs and sex, but things take a turn for the worst when one of the group suggests that another tries out the mythical “donkey punch” sex act.

“A notable achievement in all departments, handled superbly by its first-time director and largely unknown cast, with a tight, frighteningly plausible script. Donkey Punch has a respect for formula but, more importantly, a commitment to doing things differently, and properly. A scary, truly edgy film.”
Nigel Kendall (The Times)

“Ironically, filming a literal donkey being punched to death would have been less of a waste of celluloid and more of a noble endeavour, than this base and vulgar low rent thriller. The filmmakers here are metaphorically beating a dead donkey to death, in terms of scraping the bottom of the barrel for plot ideas.”
Percival Lebb (Rock, Shock and Drop Magazine)

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As always, remember that start times are approximate, so if there’s anything in particular on the schedule that you would care to see, please try to join the stream 10 minutes or so ahead of the listed start time. I hope to see you all on the other side.

Join the stream from 6:00pm (GMT) and onward, Wednesday 01/12/21, over at https://cabtv.co.uk/live/ (or alternatively via the fc2 server, over at https://live.fc2.com/25093044).

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