
Sploff Vision 21 – June 26th 6:30PM

Desolation…. in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!

18:30 Star Cops – An Instinct for Murder. Star Cops, as featured in the ‘Cult Of..’ series arrives on CABTV. Meet chief inspector Nathan Spring.. who may well have rubbed shoulders with Elliot Creasy and Tubby Wainwright at some point.

19:20 Jason of Star Command S2 E1. Jason is back! Oh but it’s season two and things are different…. I don’t like things that are different.

19:43 Invasion Earth – The Fourth Dimension. You wait years for contact with an alien race and then two turn up at once. Typical.

20:27 The Jensen Code E1 and E2. 1973 Kids Sci Fi from the lads at ATV. While out potholing 16-year-old Terry Connor is left alone in a cavern for two hours… so why does his outward bound instructor Alex thinks he’s only been there 10 minutes?

21:15 Aniara (2018). Earth is doomed (again). Luxury space liners such as the Aniara have been repurposed to transport what remains of the population to Mars. On its latest voyage an accident causes the ship to veer off course and jettison it fuel, taking it on a course into deep space with no means of return. There are strong Blockhouse vibes to this, the difference being that the pitch dark is on the outside.

23:01 Genshiken E1 and E2. To lighten the mood here’s some more anime for you! Welcome to “The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture” These guys may well have been the only people to have bought a copy of Satō and Yamazaki’s Gal Game. A somewhat less intense look at Otaku culture, including anime, video games, model making, cosplay, and of course filthy filthy doujinshi.

Stream should conclude around midnight.

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