
Sploof TV – four filums

15:15 Ich bin ein Jupitermond : German dubbed episode of the best thing shown on CAB ever.

15:45 Blackbird (2022) : When Michael Flatley’s legs stopped working properly he gave up dance and became a secrete agent. This is his story. Written, directed, produced, and starring – Michael Flatley.

17:10 Slap Shot (1977) : Captain/Coach of moribund ice hockey team Charlestown Chiefs, Paul Newman discovers a unique way to revive his teams fortunes involving a mixture of bants and violence. Warning. Contains 70s slurs.

19:15 Out of this World (BBC 1977) : Documentary about British UFO cults.

20:15 – Breakfast of Champions (1999) : This total flop marks the third Kurt Vonnegut adaption to appear on CABtv. Bruce Willis stars as the increasingly mad car salesman Dwayne Hoover, and Albert Finney stars as the unsuccessful author Kilgore Trout. Kurt himself makes a brief appearance. He went on to describe the film as ‘painful to watch.’

21:55 – Bad Boy Bubby (1993) : I have no words

Stream finishes round about midnight.


  1. shiftwork 1.shiftwork

    I have wanted to see the spy thriller Blackbird for a very long time. The first written produced directed edited starring film since the Breens.

  2. the 2.the

    I assume that “70s slurs” involve pointing at someone’s trousers and going ‘ooh, FLARE-y nice!’.

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